"It Is Possible To Fail In Many Ways, While To Succeed Is Possible Only In One Way, However The Only Key To Failure Is Trying To Please Everybody"
This may give several interpretations in life, as well as may possibly leads to many situation we can liberally just imagine about.
I am not going to say anything about failure, not only it is a one negative element I try to avoid (even if only to say it)., but I think the root cause of that failure is the central thinking right now and then to bring up.
Living as an ordinary human being, we always be in a brimful of dreams, lavishing generated by ideas, yearnings and needs until sometimes we can't even distinguish the real needs and desires by itselves. How shame when this would lead to the failure you never dreamed of before... And at this point of time you need to recall where that EGO you lay into yourself that dramatically crush off all your desires.. tragic right!!
And the word GREEDY must always be responsive to you (To Whom It May Concern)!
Can it be wise to be a little bit modest and humble when facing with real life because it is not us to rule and own this world.
This may give several interpretations in life, as well as may possibly leads to many situation we can liberally just imagine about.
I am not going to say anything about failure, not only it is a one negative element I try to avoid (even if only to say it)., but I think the root cause of that failure is the central thinking right now and then to bring up.
Living as an ordinary human being, we always be in a brimful of dreams, lavishing generated by ideas, yearnings and needs until sometimes we can't even distinguish the real needs and desires by itselves. How shame when this would lead to the failure you never dreamed of before... And at this point of time you need to recall where that EGO you lay into yourself that dramatically crush off all your desires.. tragic right!!
And the word GREEDY must always be responsive to you (To Whom It May Concern)!
Can it be wise to be a little bit modest and humble when facing with real life because it is not us to rule and own this world.
1 comment:
Hi, Got your comment on my blog about your cat, Robyn. The reason she is miaowing like that is because she is on heat and is looking for someone to mate with her so she can get pregnant and have kittens. Seriously, neuter her quickly. She won't stop until you do. Hope this helps. Sasha
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